Rosslyn Chapel


Gordon Napier, June 2007

Rosslyn Chapel, Midlotian, Scotland. An intriguing building founded in 1446 by Sir William St Clair, Prince of Orkney, as a Collegiate Chapel where prayers would be said for his soul. It is a mysterious and magical place but has little to do with the Knights Templar (who were long gone by then) or the Holy Grail. It doesn't look like this now, unfortunately, as they've built a barn-like tin roof over the thing to enable the stone to dry out before it crumbles. The funny thing about Rosslyn is it was planned on a grand scale, but when Sir William died his son Oliver finished it off quickly, basically putting a roof on what was already there, not wanting to spend the rest of his inheritance when that would do perfectly well. Thus was founded a proud Scottish tradition of frugality.