Chapter 6

The cruel fiend releases his grip of the woman's bound arm, letting her fall.

Odo lunges forward, just managing to catch the loose end of the rope that binds the woman's arms. While straining against her weight he quickly grabs his dagger and flings it at the fiendish garger
The garger swerves, snarling, and the flying dagger catches him under the arm rather than smack in the heart. In a moment his sword is sweeping down towards the knight. Odo has managed to pick up the slain fiend's sword, but it is all he can do to deflect the hammering blows from his towering opponent - while struggling to keep hold of the rope.
The last foe has fallen defeated and the knight is able to concentrate on hauling on the rope. The strain shows in his face.
Finally, he kneels and hauls her back towards the ledge.
Having kicked the dreadful bodies of the demons down after their fellows, so that she would not be troubled by the sight of them, the knight unties the woman, assuring her that her oppressors are no more and that all will be well.

They rest, to recover from their exertions. Trembling, she clings to his arm, speaking of the terrors she has been through- the anguish she had felt when she thought him fallen to his death, and then how she had thought herself about to die thusly... As she thanks him for all he has done, and the Queen of Heaven for sending him, he glances at the marks left by the biting rope around her wrist. He knows they are not out of this dreadful place yet, and that another trial confronts them...